Monday, October 6, 2014


Queen of the Holy Rosary, in times past, when the enemies of the Church sought to break its unity, you came to the aid of your suffering children. To single nations, to private families, to individual persons, you have always provided help, given solace and rekindled hope, especially when they turned to you with Rosary in hand. More than ever before, we have need of your help today.  Those dangers facing the Church and the world are grave and evil and penetrate every walk of life, every class of society. In this time of crisis there is need that we hasten to you for aid, strength, and direction. With your foot you crushed the head of the serpent and conquered evil with goodness. Crush the evil which strives to destroy all that is Catholic, all that is Christian, all that is civilized. Help us to heed your message of Fatima so that by penance and prayer, especially the Rosary, we may appease the just anger of God and obtain His forgiveness and blessing. We join you, Queen of the Holy Rosary, in praying for peace in the world.  

Mother and Maid, the praise of thee
The burden of our song shall be;
Thy joys, thy sorrows, and the crown
Of thine eternal bright renown:

The Heavenly tidings brought to earth,
The visitation and the birth,
Christ offered, Christ restored to thee
Hail, in each Joyful Mystery;

The bloody sweat, the soldier's scorn,
The scourging and the crown of thorn,
The burdened way, the bitter tree
Hail, in each Woeful Mystery;

The risen and heaven ascending Lord,
The Pentecostal unction poured,
Thy crown and endless jubilee
Hail, in each Glorious Mystery

May age to age forever sing
The Virgin's Son and angels' King,
And praise with the celestial host
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

O God, Whose only-begotten Son by His life, death, and resurrection obtained for us the rewards of eternal salvation, grant, we beg of You, that meditating upon these mysteries in the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may both imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise.  Through Christ Our Lord.  Amen.

Our Lady in Catholic Life by Father Lawrence G. Lovasik, 1957Macmillan Company

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